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T O P I C    R E V I E W
skunkhome Posted - 06/19/2009 : 00:56:45
I got my "new" cultivator mounted and adjusted today. I have the sweeps angled all the way back and the point is 1" below the bottom of the gauge skids. I ran it a bit in my mostly barren yard and it works just like my Daddy taught me to hoe weeds. Slices just under the surface and leave the soil pretty much in place. I think tipping the sweeps down in the nose will move more soil and create a raised spot n the middle.

the PO had it set to dig approximately 3 inches deep and had mannaged to bend one of the tool holders. I did a little creative hammer work at the anvil and got it pretty much corrected. The area in which I was testing the cultivator is pretty bad soil that will not support much of anything at this time as it has almost no organic matter. The leaves I raked up last fall I piled up behind the shed in the shade. the conditions back there must be optimal as for the first time in years I have some good mulch. I dug into it with my hands and uncovered munches of earthworms doing their job making this beautiful compost. I believe I am going to have to scatter that on that barren area and turn it in with my plow. I believe I will be preparing for my winter and fall garden.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 06/20/2009 : 13:07:25
I called Louisiana one call yesterday to have the utilitities marked before plowing. It should be marked by Tuesday pm. I have been wanting to put up a fence when fund are available but the fence is on the east side and I am afraid a 6 ft fence would block the morning sun too much and the southern side is already blocked by a 75 ft oak and my "barn". Already nothing grows on the south half due to the shade. So no, the yard is not pretty.
7010b1 Posted - 06/20/2009 : 01:17:09
well we need a nice new pic. looks like you need a taller fence or just to finish the existing one.. so now what are you going to use it on??? or just a toy???

anyway Phil it looks good be hind your machine....

do you now have a good looking back yard?

just a thought maybe your city dump has some free compost you could get to help out to grow some grass. well it's free around here. u-load..
skunkhome Posted - 06/19/2009 : 06:48:27
FIELD? I wish...I am more along the lines of the "Oliver Wendel Douglas" Green Acres type of farmer...less Ava Gabore. I live in a subdivision and have room for a 15x30 or maybe 20x30 plot. These are pictures of the area last fall when I graded it to remove a swell and a bunch of ankle twisters. I need to scoop up some dirt and take it to the Parish Agricultural extension unit. The lot is on an old natural levy and it is nothing by silty clay and clay.

7010b1 Posted - 06/19/2009 : 03:14:50
looks good Phil. need to add your egg, & produce wast in to that pile, as well as your lawn clippings, for really good compost. don't for get to turn that pile over to get air in to help brake it down faster.

so when are you going to use it in the garden or field??? we need pic of it working you know....

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