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T O P I C    R E V I E W
B-16_IC Posted - 06/17/2009 : 22:48:17
A buddy of mine called me three weeks ago or so telling me he'd found me another Allis. After several misses on getting it to my place it came home Saturday morning!

Not a trailer quueen by any means but I think a good buy at $185. The engine was not original, didn't even bother trying to get it running. Instead I had other plans, been mowing the last few times with my plow tractor, an early B-10 with a 14hp transplant from a Monkey Wards. Sunday I tore into it, this is what it looked like shortly after noon.

By 5 it was mostly together and running.

After swapping on a good seat and a different pto I mowed with it last night using the 42" I was using on the parts tractor, the deck that came with it is parts only! I sure do like mowing with a variable speed! It has a few added features, like the headlights in the upper grille like the Allis built machines and an extra hole in the hood for the dipstick.

Hope I didn't bore you, but this is the short version of the story!
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B-16_IC Posted - 06/18/2009 : 21:32:24
The engine that was on it when it arrived was an I/C 10hp with a tapered crank end. I swapped on a 14hp that I had been using on the B-10. I mowed grass that hadn't been mowed in two weeks with dull blades and it hardly noticed in 2nd gear! I love this beast!

My friend that picked this up for me is a long time Wheel Horse fan. When he called me he said that it would be years before I lived this one down! "The things I'll do for a friend!" he said. "Not only did I buy an Allis Chalmers, I had to buy a John Deere also to get the AC!" Needless to say I will be hearing about this for years to come! The man that sold him this said he had to buy a JD 111 to get the AC, he did, he has the JD at his house. Talk about taking a hit for a friend.

As far as getting it going, I swapped tires, changed the gear lube, and hit all the grease zerks I could think of. I sprayed PB on anything that moved. It seems pretty sound, I used a 46" blade on the front for a while the other night, it worked nice but WOW do I need a rear counter weight! I am pretty stout but that thing is very heavy! Time to get out the barbell weights, (for the counter weight not me).
ozzman232001 Posted - 06/18/2009 : 09:26:25
nice find, never to much info...the lights on that one are a first for me also.
7010b1 Posted - 06/18/2009 : 03:19:43
never seen one with head lights like that. cool idea but now a holy part. good find and fix.. same engine? any major repairs?? or was it a quick once over before getting her going.

Hope I didn't bore you, but this is the short version of the story! NO! need more info.

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