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skunkhome Posted - 06/11/2009 : 21:49:59
I received this cultivator last night

and really need some help identifying it and information on adjustments. I am fairly certain that this is an Allis Chalmers Cultivator. Simplicity offered a cultivator #990209 but it is quite different from this one. I believe this was offered for the B series tractors and is the rear portion of a two piece system. However I believe it was later offered as a rear mounted cultivator only. I believe it was offered with sweeps and/or double ended shovels where as the Simplicity offered only shovels and was designed to attach to the 1 point yoke and had draft control wheels instead of skids. Can anyone enlighten me on the model number of this attachment, who might have made it and know where I can find a manual. It may be possible that one of you farmers can give me the low down on how deep the sweeps should run for weed control and what I would be trying to achieve with adjusting the angle on the sweeps.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B112 Posted - 06/15/2009 : 21:20:08
Phil, I've asked many a farmer how they cultivate, plow, etc. and would be interested in you're results. We don't use even half the tools I've collected because of concerns with disturbing the soil too much.

Interested in your results.
CJ55 Posted - 06/15/2009 : 19:30:37
Phil, the more you tilt the adjustment back on the cultivator shank the depper it will go, the more chunks it will also bring up. I personaly would want 1/2 sweeps on the front two that way you won't cover up the crop. I might even jury-rig up some fenders to keep the dirt off the crop. That's the way we done it back in the good ol' days.

skunkhome Posted - 06/12/2009 : 07:36:23
Originally posted by Homesteader

Simplicity offered that as part of the two piece cultivator #990398 and as a rear only cultivator #990699.

Here's the links to the parts manuals:



Sorry, no op's manuals.

Gee, thanks Greg, you sure set me straight...does to show how little I know about Simplicity. That clears up the question of the orange paint that appears to be original. The sweeps do not appear to be original though as they are different than those in the pdf.

According to the Mfg#'s, you have provided, the 990398 went into production in 1966 with the 2000 series tractor and the 990699 in 1971 with the 3200 series or in early 1972.

Now I guess I need an expert in toolbar cultivators or cultivators in general to tell me how to set this thing up.
Homesteader Posted - 06/12/2009 : 05:26:46
Simplicity offered that as part of the two piece cultivator #990398 and as a rear only cultivator #990699.

Here's the links to the parts manuals:



Sorry, no op's manuals.

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