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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Denny Posted - 06/09/2009 : 20:29:32
NEAT !!!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B-16_IC Posted - 06/18/2009 : 21:35:27
Originally posted by 7010b1

I doubt anyone will come forward on this...

Yeah, probably never to be seen again. Me, I would load it up and drive around showing it off! Of course most people wouldn't care, but I would be as exited as a puppy that had just discovered it's tail!
7010b1 Posted - 06/17/2009 : 02:58:34
I doubt anyone will come forward on this...
Roy Posted - 06/16/2009 : 23:16:56
Anyone know who won and has the forklift????????????
B112 Posted - 06/16/2009 : 21:49:53
Well someone spending that kind of money will probably take care of it and it will be seen again.
Denny Posted - 06/16/2009 : 18:24:26
Wow !! $2025.00 SOLD !
7010b1 Posted - 06/16/2009 : 03:15:58
Current bid: US $1,225.00 not met... End time: 13 hours 26 mins
B112 Posted - 06/15/2009 : 07:22:05
I'd really like to get photos of this design. Besides the specialized hardware, that attachment doesn't look too hard to make. I'm guessing the drive is a chain drive and the hydraulics push the forklift in and out? You can't lift pallets if you can't tilt the lift. I'd drive to look at it, but since I can't buy it... I can't. Wife and I are on a strict budget and that is not on the list! Hope some gets it who can do a video for us and photograph it and/or perhaps draft the design with us.
7010b1 Posted - 06/15/2009 : 00:21:48
well I just looked and drooled again over it. price not met and Current bid: US $1,225.00

End time: Jun-16-09 14:40:59 PDT (1 day 16 hours) left if he dose sell.

I hope it goes to a good home that will use it and take good care of this rear good looking peace of equipment...
B-16_IC Posted - 06/10/2009 : 21:24:18
If only, if only! That one looks pretty darned good too! This should get interesting. I myself would like to have the Danuser post hole digger attachment, I've got postholes to dig in places I won't take a big tractor.
B112 Posted - 06/10/2009 : 18:46:33
Originally posted by Denny

Just think,,, if I had that,, I could start stacking the ones I've got,, to make more room.,,,,,(think she'll buy that????)

Good luck... mine will not. Hummm, lift 600lbs with a 600lbs machine... scary. I'd say we could stack our spare transmissions and attachments on shelves above the tractors. Though make those shelves strong, or you'll get a headache!
Denny Posted - 06/10/2009 : 18:23:44
Just think,,, if I had that,, I could start stacking the ones I've got,, to make more room.,,,,,(think she'll buy that????)
B112 Posted - 06/10/2009 : 06:06:48
It does look neat. Right in the area where I usually go in PA... like 15 minutes away!
7010b1 Posted - 06/10/2009 : 04:40:25
I want it! I want it now! it's the golden goose I have only seen pic of one never thought it existed. ok ok if you tell me you found the post hole digger or the trencher I'm going to have a hart attack... now how to pay for it????? sorry just thinking out loud....who can pick this up for me and drive west I will meet you in ohio or iowa.....lol
ozzman232001 Posted - 06/10/2009 : 00:12:52
Hmmm this is 200 miles away from me, ill have to see what the guy's reserve is on it...
skunkhome Posted - 06/09/2009 : 22:58:36
Back in the '60's I saw a couple of these and honestly they scared the heck out of me. I can only imagine what would happen if your let you foot slip off the clutch while a load was 6 foot off the ground.

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