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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ozzman232001 Posted - 05/29/2009 : 11:40:04
Ok here are some pics of my First tractor, just got it about a week ago. Any enformation you may have on this would be great. Runs great. Im hooked on Acs now...lol This week end I am actually going to pick another one up i found in my area.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ozzman232001 Posted - 05/29/2009 : 23:55:00
It really hasnt pushed the tactor at all, only thing it does do is kinda gets jumpy on the lift bar a bit, makes the tiller jump a little. As for being a workhorse i agree with that. I grew up around a B10 my father got as a basket case and re-did. That was about 20 years ago and its still running strong, He put that little tractor threw its paces, thats for sure. My first car was a 1978 dodge charger and he got tired of it sitting in the yard and he used that little AC to flip it on its roof and cut it up for junk...lol Ill be picking up some of the other attachments this Sunday, I'll post some pics of em when i get em, thanks for all the help so far. Really glad I found this site.
skunkhome Posted - 05/29/2009 : 22:27:35
well you will probably need to add some ballast or weight to the tires. When I was a teen we had that very same setup on a B-1 and without weights the tiller would push it all over the garden even with the brakes applied because the brake is on the transmission and only holds if both wheels have traction. I believe I bent the brake pedal at one point trying to keep the tractor from being pushed through the garden. The low speed pulley would help. Seeing that ole b-1 sure brings back memories. What a workhorse that little 7.25 hp tractor was.
ozzman232001 Posted - 05/29/2009 : 21:42:38
ya i notice something wasnt right when i did my garden, had to keep holding the brake and just going forward in small steps, so from what you say i take it there is a pulley i can buy to put on it so i dont have to keep my foot on the brake, just keep it in 1st gear? I dont know to much about these this is my first one so im still learning. They are adictive though, this weekend im going to go pick up another one. A guy down the road is selling it to me for 40.00 supose to be a b 110. ill post some pics of it here next week, thanks for the helpful tip though.
skunkhome Posted - 05/29/2009 : 19:57:11
It looks like you have the standard pulley on the transmission input shaft. You may find that the tractor will be too fast for the tiller without the low speed kit. Not to worry as oversized pulleys are available from after market.
simplelife Posted - 05/29/2009 : 15:41:55
Greetings ozzman! It appears to be a B1 which is the sister tractor to the Simplicity 725.

A/C model B-1
Mfg ID 2025001 & 2025029

Simplicity model 725
Mfg ID 990271 & 990272

They were powered by a Brigs & Stratton 7-1/4 HP

Mfg in 1962

You can download the Simplicity manual, which is identical to the A/C B1, here.

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