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tractorjoe Posted - 05/05/2009 : 13:23:11
This is a Simplicity 7119 with hydro lift.
It's a little bastardized....
The previous owner extended the hood to make more room for the 20hp kohler command he put in it.

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cwm1276 Posted - 05/09/2009 : 13:34:13
Nope, my Dad's Similar Ac 716H used it for the snowblower. A front clutch snowblower is possible on a 7100 Series, but the cone clutch drive is just as good. Actually my Dad's has been converted to use the cone clutch instead.
tractorjoe Posted - 05/08/2009 : 20:20:33
Originally posted by cwm1276

The exhaust pipe is out the left side of the muffler so it would interfer with a possible clutch on the front of the engine, if you routed back to the right.

I bought the command engine and muffler as a kit so it was designed to allow for that clutch.

As for heat problems I have not had any, the kit came with a heat sheild for the top, IE the bolt holes on the top of the muffler. But my hood is slightly bent and the sheild is too wide to fit under the hood, so I never installed it.

have you ever thought about doing anything with the front shaft on the engine?
cwm1276 Posted - 05/08/2009 : 18:45:28
The exhaust pipe is out the left side of the muffler so it would interfer with a possible clutch on the front of the engine, if you routed back to the right.

I bought the command engine and muffler as a kit so it was designed to allow for that clutch.

As for heat problems I have not had any, the kit came with a heat sheild for the top, IE the bolt holes on the top of the muffler. But my hood is slightly bent and the sheild is too wide to fit under the hood, so I never installed it.
tractorjoe Posted - 05/08/2009 : 17:23:36
Originally posted by cwm1276

Mine has an elbow at the bottom pointing it kind of out of the corner. Did not want to point it toward the tire, but really don't want it forward anymore either. I'll see if I have pic or get one of mine.

Edit: Here is a Pic.

the setup looks really nice there. Cleaner than mine too..

don't want to bring it out through the old exhaust location? or is that too much back pressure?

Do you have any heat problems?
cwm1276 Posted - 05/08/2009 : 16:47:00
Mine has an elbow at the bottom pointing it kind of out of the corner. Did not want to point it toward the tire, but really don't want it forward anymore either. I'll see if I have pic or get one of mine.

Edit: Here is a Pic.

tractorjoe Posted - 05/08/2009 : 11:17:48
Originally posted by olcowhand

I too think she looks just fine. Decent job of extending & I myself would rather have exhaust out front than pointing down. My gravel drive would cause a cloud of dust with south-pointing exhaust.

well. I mean that it should come out of the old exhaust hole in the picture, off to the side. I think the way it comes out now warms up the snowblower.
olcowhand Posted - 05/08/2009 : 11:14:46
I too think she looks just fine. Decent job of extending & I myself would rather have exhaust out front than pointing down. My gravel drive would cause a cloud of dust with south-pointing exhaust.
tractorjoe Posted - 05/08/2009 : 10:56:24
Pictures of the extension.

cwm1276 Posted - 05/07/2009 : 17:04:10
Mine exhausts downward, on the left tractor side. So it does not go out the original location but the exhaust pipe goes out just under the frame in front of the left front tire.

My command was part of a Kit from Edens LTD so they included the new muffer. So don't know where to find one, other than giving them a call.
tractorjoe Posted - 05/07/2009 : 15:44:43
Originally posted by cwm1276

What kind of muffler do you have under the hood? My 7117H with an 18HP command fit under the hood without any problems. The 18 + 20 I think are identical engines other than the govenor. Your Oil filter is exactly in the same place as mine in relation to the frame, so I don't see where the hood length is needed.

You're right, I think the muffler would fit without extending it honestly. The previous owner extended the hood to keep it cooler I think. Know of a muffler that exhausts downward instead of forward? I'd kind of like to take the exhaust out the original exhaust location and maybe modify the grille to look original again.
cwm1276 Posted - 05/07/2009 : 12:31:08
What kind of muffler do you have under the hood? My 7117H with an 18HP command fit under the hood without any problems. The 18 + 20 I think are identical engines other than the govenor. Your Oil filter is exactly in the same place as mine in relation to the frame, so I don't see where the hood length is needed.
JoeJ Posted - 05/07/2009 : 09:23:34
"It's a little bastardized"

I disagree,,,,,It looks like a very good job to get what the owner at the time wanted.

From the pictures, I wish I could strech a hood to look that good!!!!

Besides, the JOE'S of this world need to unite and stick together.
skunkhome Posted - 05/05/2009 : 21:24:51
looks like it should do the trick.

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