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 Restored B-10 Plowing Snow

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GarryVH Posted - 01/22/2009 : 13:01:44
Here are a few shots of my restored B-10 in action plowing my 285 foot-long driveway in Colchester, CT

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Leroy Posted - 05/14/2009 : 17:27:21
Originally posted by cojo92

thats one beautiful tractor you got there!

cojo92 Posted - 03/25/2009 : 22:56:53
thats one beautiful tractor you got there!
GarryVH Posted - 02/10/2009 : 17:22:29

Sorry for the response delay.

Thanks for the compliments on the restoration. It turns some heads when I am plowing my driveway. I hope to upload some photos of my '64 Landlord ith the16 hp Briggs when I remove the engine - I want to show how the frame is relieved to accomodate the extra engine size.

I think the grease caps came from Advance Auto Parts - I will have to look through receipts to see if I can find the part number.

Good luck with your restoration.


ZippoVarga Posted - 02/06/2009 : 23:15:43
Hey Garry! Awesome looking restoration on your early B-10! I have an all original B-10 barn find that's in great condition mechanically that I hope to get restored one day, but first on the block is my first large frame, a 1964 Landlord. It too will have a 16hp shoe-horned in. It's the one to the far left in my signature. Again, awesome job on the restore! Oh...one question! Where did you get your grease caps for the front wheels?
GarryVH Posted - 01/23/2009 : 11:04:49
I'm a regular clothes horse!
oldron Posted - 01/23/2009 : 10:07:40
Great looking job.
B112 Posted - 01/23/2009 : 09:25:57
Garry- Those are great photo's! I love the matching hand on the hood and same sweat shirt.
GarryVH Posted - 01/23/2009 : 09:20:30
Thanks again for the kind compliments.

Well, here are some additional photos. The first is of me in 1965 days after my Dad's newly purchased leftover 1964 B-10 arrived. I was in the front yard tossing a football with a friend, when a 1959 Ford station wagon slowed as it approached our driveway. The car was pulling a trailer and strapped to the trailer was the B-10. I about jumped out of my skin when the car turned into our driveway.

The second photo is of me this past fall with restored B-10 (not my Dad's - my brother has that machine). Sort of a 43 year before and after.

The third photo is of my two teenage boys and the restored B-10 (they like old Simplicity tractors, too).

The fourth photo is of my unrestored 1964 Landlord "worker" blowing snow from my driveway several years ago - there was about a foot of snow. It was difficult to deal with, but as you can see in the photo, the machine was handling it. That tractor is equipped with a 16 HP cast iron Briggs - someone shoehorned it into the Landlord. Lots of power. This machine is torn apart now - I am rebuilding the BGB.

skunkhome Posted - 01/22/2009 : 22:40:39
Garry, great looking restore. I too was a B-1 and (late)B-10 fan from the early to late 60's. Spent hundreds of hours at the wheel of a B-10 back then and wanted another but could not find any even remotely close to south Louisiana so I settled on a '74 Simplicity three states away after 3 years of searching. I am really happy with my "Allis 713s" but wish I could get my hands on one like yours. I would love to see your old photos!
andrewk Posted - 01/22/2009 : 20:22:36

Since we are discussing adding weight, I should mention that being "plus size" means that I add a considerable amount of weight to the rear wheels just by sitting on the seat, so the machine does very well in the snow

I'm right there with you! On the machines I've operated, I've had little need for added weight since I carry some extra "lead" on me. Nothing like weight directly over the axle!

LOVE the restoration you've done on the tractor. It looks beautiful, and it's great to see it out there flexing its muscles!
GarryVH Posted - 01/22/2009 : 20:13:20
Thank you for all the nice compliments - I am very pleased with and proud of my B-10. This is identical to the machine I grew up with as a kid - even with the headlight kit. I will post a photo of me posing with my Dad's new B-10 from 1965, and another of me in an identical pose with this machine 44 years later - I am not bashful in saying that I have loved these machines since I was a kid.

I do not have a counter weight for the drawbar.

I do have cast iron wheel weights - 25 lbs each X 4, that bolt to the rear wheels using carriage bolts. I got these wheel weights off an old Simplicity walker, which I foolishly sold years ago. These weights are still attached to the wheels of my 1964 Landlord - been too lazy to put them on the B-10 (at least I am honest). In my experience pushing snow with the Landlord, I noticed considerably improved plowing performance with the wheel weights.

Since we are discussing adding weight, I should mention that being "plus size" means that I add a considerable amount of weight to the rear wheels just by sitting on the seat, so the machine does very well in the snow. Also, those tire chains are new - these are "v-bar" type chains and they really provide a lot of traction - I think a lot more than conventional chains.

At some point I will swap the plow for the single stage snow thrower attachment to give it some exercise this winter.
simplelife Posted - 01/22/2009 : 19:26:57
Beautiful job on the tractor. It shows it's pride the way it handles that snow. The front shots make it look like it's smiling with those headlights! Well done!
olcowhand Posted - 01/22/2009 : 18:39:42
Originally posted by Roy

"Your pic makes me want snow....and more snow!"

What??????? Daniel, think you have lost your mind.

Roy, my job is a walk out my door, so driving on the white stuff is more a tractor thing...which spells...FUN! Got food in the freezer, so let it snow!
ptmmatssc Posted - 01/22/2009 : 18:10:45
Very nice ! Amazing what these little tractors can do , isn't it ? That one seems to be doing a fine job .

Roy Posted - 01/22/2009 : 15:57:28
"Your pic makes me want snow....and more snow!"

What??????? Daniel, think you have lost your mind.

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