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 Allis-Chalmers B-207E

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Homesteader Posted - 07/20/2008 : 11:06:17

Allis-Chalmers Model B-207E
Model year: 1971
MFG No. 1600092
Serial No. 09214578

Engine: Briggs & Stratton (replacement)
Model: 195702
Type: 4520-E1
Code: --------

Tractor was purchased in 2002 with 36" mowing deck for $250. Original paint. Engine was replaced in 2003.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Simplicity_728 Posted - 01/08/2012 : 21:37:11

My setup
1014211 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 21:56:20
Love it Greg!!!
Homesteader Posted - 01/07/2012 : 21:13:22
Josh, that's really just a front weight #990466. It doesn't hook to the lift. I just pinned it on to help keep the front end a little closer to the ground and that's extremely hard to do with a cold belt.

Yes Phil, it's another Lexington tractor. I believe it's the only piece I've got with a Lexington plate.

skunkhome Posted - 01/07/2012 : 18:20:59
another Lexington tractor.
larry8200 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 18:00:00
Very nice original, and a tough little hard working tractor.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 01/07/2012 : 17:19:43
That's a super sharp machine Greg! I like the setup you have shown. How does the front counterweight for those work? I'm not familiar with the lift setup, etc.
simplelife Posted - 07/20/2008 : 13:09:32
And a front counterweight to boot! Those little tractors do tend to get a bit light on the front end when mowing up a hill. Have to figure out a way to mount some weight on mine with the mower deck installed. Nice looking ride. It is amazing what a great job they do mowing.
skunkhome Posted - 07/20/2008 : 11:42:32
Greg, very nice...did not know you were into the little guys. Nice Grader.

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