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biggie_rat Posted - 04/27/2008 : 14:13:07
I just couldn't pass this up. Not much to do to this one to get it ready to sell. I would keep it, but I just can't get used to a zero turn. It would end up in a tree with me driving.

It seems to be a nice one, though.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
andrewk Posted - 04/30/2008 : 09:31:43
Originally posted by biggie_rat

Originally posted by olcowhand

BR, guy on LMC has one. Look under the body....he said it's a nightmare under there! Even so, he said it did a great job!

It is a very ingenious design to drive the wheels. Odd and complicated, yet simple.


Does that have the cones still? I hate those things- They are a PITA to get set right...

Also, the parking brakes on those have a habit of not holding- don't leave her on a hill with no wheel chock!

Have some fun with her before you get rid of it though
biggie_rat Posted - 04/27/2008 : 21:59:15
Originally posted by olcowhand

Alright BR, if that was you, then you should be able to tell me what I was driving when I pulled out as "you" turned in. So what was I driving???

Well, I missed your road so I don't know which one I passed was you.

olcowhand Posted - 04/27/2008 : 20:58:20
Alright BR, if that was you, then you should be able to tell me what I was driving when I pulled out as "you" turned in. So what was I driving???
biggie_rat Posted - 04/27/2008 : 19:40:50
Originally posted by olcowhand

The oddest thing happened when I left for town just after posting in this thread. When pulling onto highway, a fella was pulling a trailer, turning into my road I live on. You may not believe this, but this EXACT model Dixon mower was on his trailer! Weird coincidence!!

That was me !!
I was bringing you a present. But I couldn't find your place and I turned around and headed back. I home now ..... sorry.

olcowhand Posted - 04/27/2008 : 19:32:13
The oddest thing happened when I left for town just after posting in this thread. When pulling onto highway, a fella was pulling a trailer, turning into my road I live on. You may not believe this, but this EXACT model Dixon mower was on his trailer! Weird coincidence!!
biggie_rat Posted - 04/27/2008 : 15:52:48
Originally posted by olcowhand

BR, guy on LMC has one. Look under the body....he said it's a nightmare under there! Even so, he said it did a great job!

It is a very ingenious design to drive the wheels. Odd and complicated, yet simple.

olcowhand Posted - 04/27/2008 : 15:13:05
BR, guy on LMC has one. Look under the body....he said it's a nightmare under there! Even so, he said it did a great job!

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