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 Bolens 850

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cdeal28078 Posted - 04/17/2008 : 16:28:17
I have my dad's old Bolens 850. Might be a 750 I'll have to look.He bought it new in I think 67. No deck or other attachments with it. Dad said the deck was junk years ago. This thing has never been messed with and I ned to get to work on it. It is under cover though so I still have time. It has I think a Wisconsin engine on it. Last time I put a battery in it she fired up and ran.
I would like to do a total refurbish on it and give it back to my dad.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B112 Posted - 07/02/2008 : 22:31:30
[quoteIs that a good "way to go"?or a winky one[/quote]

It's a thankyou, it's a "that's the spirit". All tractors interest me, we may make breakout details about them in various forums. I've not learned enough about Bolens, I've seen those are good machines.
BRAD1975 Posted - 07/02/2008 : 20:49:11
Originally posted by B112

Way to go Brad. cDeal28078, let us know about your progress we like to hear about restorations and just getting them running!

Is that a good "way to go"?or a winky one,...When I saw Clints post I thought maybe Bolens was a curse word here,and I want him to know there are a few,or maybe just one other Bolens fan in hereAnd Clint,could we see some pictures??
B112 Posted - 07/02/2008 : 06:50:21
Way to go Brad. cDeal28078, let us know about your progress we like to hear about restorations and just getting them running!
BRAD1975 Posted - 07/01/2008 : 23:47:52
Hi Clint,I hate to see a post this old with no replies,have you started your project yet?Sounds like the kind of gift my dad would like......if he liked tractors

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