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 John Deere 214 Information

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Roy Posted - 04/08/2008 : 22:53:47
Friend of mine has a JD 214 with variable speed drive that is acting up. New belt didn't help. Anyone know what what to look for and where I can find technical information?

And, how in the heck do you get to the tractor guts to try to find the problem?
Does the seat pan come off easily?
Stand the tractor it on it's end (45 degrees)?

Thing looks like a nightmare to work on.
Need all the help I can get.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Roy Posted - 04/09/2008 : 21:11:22
"Maybe you can go to weekendfreedommachines and find a manual??? Or maybe someone can scan the pages needed & email them to you."

That's what I am going to try.
olcowhand Posted - 04/09/2008 : 20:31:39
I said the seat pan is easy to get off. The variable is another story.
It's been a few years since having those JD's, so memory fades, but the things are a pain to get at. If I remember right, there may be a grease fitting on the shaft that lubes the variable pulley. I don't have a service manual, went with one of the tractors. Maybe you can go to weekendfreedommachines and find a manual??? Or maybe someone can scan the pages needed & email them to you.
Roy Posted - 04/09/2008 : 18:26:50
Don't think my friend has the option of a new tractor but I like the idea.

Suspect you have identified the problem. How do I get to the pulleys to work on them???

olcowhand Posted - 04/09/2008 : 09:29:18
The seat pan is no biggy to get off. What exactly is the variable doing? If it's just not reacting quick...slow to change speeds ,& stiff, then likely it just needs taken apart, cleaned & relubed well. I had 2 of them that both did the same. After cleaning & lubing, they work like new. Both had the shaft in frame very tight from dry grease, and the variable pulley was tight also.
skunkhome Posted - 04/08/2008 : 23:15:25
Originally posted by Roy

Friend of mine has a JD 214 with variable speed drive that is acting up. New belt didn't help. Anyone know what what to look for...?


A new tractor?

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