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oldron Posted - 01/18/2008 : 10:16:58
This is my 1948 Gibson model D.Not a full restoration ,I still use it but mainly for parades.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B112 Posted - 02/06/2008 : 07:22:37
refuel three to four times more often

I've experienced the refueling issue with a 16hp Simplicity 6216 with the 5hp gas vacuum attachment. Right after the increase to $3 about 2 years ago, I started using a 6216 to cut my lawn and boy did it drink gas (with or withot the vacuum attachmnent). My experience with my ole 12hp Briggs was much different how many times I filled the tank per week. I felt I was using more than twice the gas of an ole B-Series. I've since switched back to my B-Series machines and sold the 6216. I liked the 6216 for the smooth reliable operation.

skunkhome Posted - 02/05/2008 : 23:50:36
Originally posted by B112

Is that the same as on Briggs engines? i.e. is the torque of an old 9-12 hp engine much better than a 23hp engine on a new box store tractor? I had a dealer tell me that all the tractor manufactures went crazy with HP Ratings.

Michael, I believe the torque comes in a a much higher RPM on those vertical shaft engines. The athletic department at school has a Sabre 2454 with a 24 Hp Kohler Twin. They must have a high bore to stroke ratio. It is quiet and has lots of HP but almost no torque below 3/4 throttle and is very thirsty. I have run it side by side with my tractor and refuel three to four times more often with about the same size tank.
Simple700 Posted - 01/22/2008 : 19:50:15
yeah, I would love to live out there......not that it is in the near future but would love to live out there when I retire. My dream is to buy a plot of land and farm it and keep bees with all antique machines.
oldron Posted - 01/21/2008 : 23:59:42
Thanks for shareing Jeff.You haveing been west can see that we drive 70 mi round trip just to get a loaf of bread and 300 mi round trip for a high school football game.Wouldn't trade for anywhere.
Simple700 Posted - 01/21/2008 : 12:15:41
Yeah, being from New England, you forget how sparce the population is out west. I have never been to MT, but have been to Wyoming and went to a tractor show near Cheyenne. I did not travel that far just to go to the tractor show, I was driving through and saw it, had to stop. If you ever get a chance to go to a tractor show in another part of the county, it is worth it because it is interesting to see what was popular in different parts of the country. What is uncommon to see here in New England may be common in the midwest and visa versa. I am trying to visit all 50 states by car and whenever to travel, try to visit a show but it does not always work out that way. I guess this has nothing to do with a Gibson but thought I would share.
oldron Posted - 01/21/2008 : 11:53:20
We don't have tractor shows in western MT .Our pop is so small it is even hard to find a old garden tractor.We have a pop of less than 1 mil for the 4th largest state.
Simple700 Posted - 01/21/2008 : 09:45:41
I have seen a few older Gibsons at tractor shows, but that it one of the nicer ones...if you don't bring it to tractor shows, you should.
oldron Posted - 01/20/2008 : 23:17:54
Yes it is a crank start,I did not like the rope pull it had .Tractors start with a crank so I had a nut made with a One inch stub and fit a crank to it.It also had a flywheel from a 6hp all the years I owned it then last year I found a 9.2 pump motor with with a big flywheel feels like twice the hp now.
Simple700 Posted - 01/20/2008 : 16:57:23
Is that a crank start?
skunkhome Posted - 01/20/2008 : 16:54:08
Originally posted by oldron

That is a Wisconson 9.2 hp.Most of the early D's had a 6 hp.The super D was the next model .

It must have one heck of a stroke judging from the distance from the flywheel to the top of the head.
olcowhand Posted - 01/20/2008 : 08:28:00
Oh, yes on the older Briggs. ALL the older engines rival modern engines of much higher claimed HP. Just take a look at the older Briggs 10hp to a modern version of same size. NO comparison in size. The larger size brings with it higher torque curves mainly due to the heavier rotating mass and longer stroke. Higher hp..no, more torque...definitely!
You can pull the old long stroke engines down till you can count the strokes & they will just keep on pulling...especially the old Wisconsins. I love how they pull!
olcowhand Posted - 01/20/2008 : 08:24:42
HP means almost nothing these days. I am told they are going away from rating them by HP & rating them by torque figures. That will be a much truer way of rating them, but will just confuse most people. Will take a while for everyone to adjust. By the way, I'd say that Ron's engine will have torque numbers to get close to that 23hp, maybe not as much, but near.
B112 Posted - 01/19/2008 : 23:41:15
Is that the same as on Briggs engines? i.e. is the torque of an old 9-12 hp engine much better than a 23hp engine on a new box store tractor? I had a dealer tell me that all the tractor manufactures went crazy with HP Ratings.
olcowhand Posted - 01/19/2008 : 23:37:36
Originally posted by oldron

That is a Wisconson 9.2 hp.Most of the early D's had a 6 hp.The super D was the next model .

Maybe 9.2hp, but comparing to today's engines.....waaaaaay more torque!
oldron Posted - 01/19/2008 : 22:51:34
That is a Wisconson 9.2 hp.Most of the early D's had a 6 hp.The super D was the next model .

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