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 Panzer project started

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Simple700 Posted - 12/21/2007 : 13:51:05
I have been trying to decide, arguing with myself if you will, whether to restor my Siplicity 700 that is all original or not. So I decided to hold off and started to restore my Panzer T-70B. The tractor looks decent from a distance, however it does not have the original engine and the metal has a lot of pitting that had been just painted over. In other words, it has been restored once but not done well.

I had to get the Panzer from the shed and bring it to the garage. It would not start because last time I tried to start it, I broke the recoil rope. I had to move the simplicity, which started right up, as usual. Then I towed the Panzer to the garage, removed the hood and engine. The engine was not original, but I do have two orignial tyoe engins for it, one is missing an air cleaner and the other is missing the airvane govenor.

I am planning on totally redoing the tractor, including replacing all the hardware with stainless Steel. I am trying to locate an attachment for it, I think restorations look a lot better with an attachement.

Also still looking for a B series tractor to restore...then I will feel better about leaving my 700 original.
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B112 Posted - 01/28/2008 : 08:21:14
Note, there is another topic on Painting started over here:

skunkhome Posted - 01/27/2008 : 22:15:18
I think I would use standard auto body bondo.
Simple700 Posted - 01/27/2008 : 16:44:15
I have been painstakingly removing the several layers of paint on the old Panzer. It won't be long before I am ready to paint. Anyone have any ideas for filling in pitting on the sheet metal to make it smooth?
B112 Posted - 01/01/2008 : 12:24:17
I thought I saw some headers in the video. They are recording the video off a TV so the interlacing of the 60 HZ signal is making the black lines...
skunkhome Posted - 01/01/2008 : 11:23:27
This looks like an old Panzer. I remember My friends tractor being fast but not like this..

B112 Posted - 12/30/2007 : 22:42:57
I have the manual for this tractor from Jeff and I'll post it if anyone's interested.
skunkhome Posted - 12/29/2007 : 00:19:21
I would like to get my hands on one as a friend of mine had one when I was a kid. You couldn't get much simpler.
Simple700 Posted - 12/28/2007 : 18:09:12
That's a good description Skunkhome. The Plymouth rear end and brakes are what I find intriguing about the tractor. It has independent rear brakes, like a farm tractor, making it able to turn on a dime. I have the engine apart and have most of the paint removed and primered.
skunkhome Posted - 12/27/2007 : 22:11:02
The Panzer has movable propeller shaft which is pivoted in or out using a right hand lever which, at first glance, looks like an implement lift lever. In operation the tractor has one speed forward and one in reverse. When the shaft with pulley and friction wheel is pivoted toward the motor the metal friction wheel contacts a rubber drive wheel on the engine crank shaft and runs in reverse. When the shaft is pivoted out it goes to neutral and then to forward by tightening the belt attached to the engine crank shaft. The forward speed can be varied only by stopping the motor and moving the belt to a different sized pulley. The power is delivered though the propeller shaft directly to an automotive type rear end and differential.
Simple700 Posted - 12/21/2007 : 19:05:58

I have the owner's manual in .PDF format, I tried to attach that, it shows the drivetrain well. If you have ever used an old Toro walk behind Rototiller, with the lever that raises the engine to go forward then lowers it to reverse the pulley, it is the same concept.
B112 Posted - 12/21/2007 : 15:01:14
Can you post some links about the Panzer? I'd want to see some sketches on how the drive train works and pictures. I let a Panzer go a while back which I should have bought... had one too many tractors back then.

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