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Simple700 Posted - 10/16/2007 : 17:18:22
Ok, finally, here is a link to see my Panzer.......sorry it took so long. I am going to add my other tractors when I have the time. Hopefully this works.....

Let me know what you think!

It looks like you need a snapfish account or to create one...I will try to take some at a lower resolution...not sure if my camera goes lower than 1MB.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Simple700 Posted - 10/25/2007 : 05:26:14
Yes, I would love to share my photos....I would like to take some good pics of my 700 to add
B112 Posted - 10/19/2007 : 08:02:55
Bill - Thanks, that's what the problem was. That has a beefy transmission. Simple700, let me know if you want me to put some of the photo's in here and I will tell you what I do.
4xbill Posted - 10/18/2007 : 22:47:29

You need a snapfish account to login. I had one, because my sis ter inlaw sends me hundreds of pictures of my nephew via Snapfish.
B112 Posted - 10/16/2007 : 22:59:07
I tried to format it like below... it didn't work.

Try sending me the photo in email and I'll figure out how to help.

4xbill Posted - 10/16/2007 : 20:38:17
You need to fix your link. Add a http:// in front of it. Nice Tractors. That 700 looks all orginal and unmolested.

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