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Simple700 Posted - 10/10/2007 : 09:57:47
Thought I would talk a bit about my other project for this winter, besides retiring and restoring my Simplicity 700. I bought a Panzer T-70b tractor on ebay this summer. The tractor looks good, but up close you can see some pitting in the metal that was painted over. ALso the engine smokes, bad. After a little research, I learned that the engine is not the original Type B&S engine with the air vane govenor. So I searched for a new one....hard to find and expensive. One person thought his engine was worth $400. Anyway, my father was able to locate an engine...for free. That engine now runs perfect and is ready to go into the Panzer. I have to re-do the hood, grill and fenders and it should be good to go. I also have a 1937 Standard Twin walk behind tractor. I need to repaint the original color and fix the front engine seal. I want to get that ready to sell this spring.

I am excited about the engine, thought I would share!
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 10/13/2007 : 11:54:25
Originally posted by Simple700

Yeah, I always thought they were neat tractors. I think it is awesome that they put a Plymouth rear end and brakes in a garden tractor. When I get a chance, I will take some pictures, I think my files are too big because it would not let me attach them.

show us the pictures!
B112 Posted - 10/12/2007 : 14:05:31
Originally posted by olcowhand

You could open a Photobucket account, post them there, then link to them. Size doesn't matter with this. A std photobucket acct. is free.

Yes, that's a good idea too. I'll eventually get the archive software to compress these and place photos with the archive. The reason the photo's are limited to 100Kb is to conserve space and bandwidth. The lower resolution on JPGs is good enough for discussions. Though if you use a photobucket account, you have unlimited resolution. Problem is you may make posts long to load for some people. If we get complaints, we still might need to limit the sizes for other people's benefits.
olcowhand Posted - 10/12/2007 : 10:13:57
You could open a Photobucket account, post them there, then link to them. Size doesn't matter with this. A std photobucket acct. is free.
Simple700 Posted - 10/11/2007 : 20:03:54
Yeah, I always thought they were neat tractors. I think it is awesome that they put a Plymouth rear end and brakes in a garden tractor. When I get a chance, I will take some pictures, I think my files are too big because it would not let me attach them.
B112 Posted - 10/11/2007 : 16:19:43
Below is a link to a Panzer Tractor club I found when searching the net. I was going to buy one of those. I saw one was advertised from a guy in my town, but I wasn't ready for a new project. He only wanted about $300-400 and he said it was in nice condition. I did a little research on these after someone told me how unique they were.


I'd like to see it also.
Simple700 Posted - 10/10/2007 : 17:26:20
I will make sure I post some pics of the before, during and after pictures. I tried to post some before pictures, the tractor actually does not look bad in pictures. Just when you get close, it is not a grood finish. Anyway, I think my photos are too large. I really like Simplicity tractors, but I think the Panzer is pretty cool too.
mikefox Posted - 10/10/2007 : 10:58:46
Thanks for sharing.
Really want to see that Panzer T-70b tractor when completed.

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