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T O P I C    R E V I E W
olcowhand Posted - 10/09/2007 : 10:29:23
Here are all my tractors. Starting with my heavily altered MF1650, aka MF2050 (20hp Onan, MF14 hood,grille, & dash-power steering added, oversize filled rears). Has my 2-bottom plow on it that I put together from two 10" Brinly's. Loader I built from scratch as well as the bumper. I got 1st place at local show over the weekend...first garden tractor show I competed in. I am happy about that!

Here's my Finished Allis 416H. I am quite proud of her. Hate to mow with her now, but it mows sooo good!

My MTD built "Unico 15"

My 67 MF12H

My Bush Hog JBI & D4-10

My littlest Massey, MF85 which I changed from 6 speed to hydrostatic & from 8hp to 12.5 IC Briggs & electric pto.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
4xbill Posted - 10/12/2007 : 07:41:45
Sweet! Congrats on the win!
olcowhand Posted - 10/09/2007 : 20:16:50
I've had as much as 750 lbs in the bucket, but don't lift very high when rolling. It'll lift as much as counterweighting allows. I think 400 lbs is a good weight to stay at or under for safety. You do NOT want to have bucket loaded & high at all (no higher than hood)when on even a small tilt. I loaded my 16' trailer full of old lawn tractors to go to scrapyard with the little loader. I put my forks on it that I use to clean calf stalls. Just drove forks under, lift then load. I had a pile on trailer about 5' high. Sure takes the work outta lifting heavy stuff. I dug a ditch for drainage tile in my yard last year during dry spell. Ground was hard as a rock, but the loader w/bucket dug it easily 18 to 20" deep about 80' long. Now ya gotta know that this tractor w/FEL mounted weighs in right at 1700 lbs, so the weight makes more possible. I do wish I'd taken the time to build it with auto-leveling system. I may redo to add this later, but time may not allow. The lift cylinders came off a New Holland hay roller. I cut the length down to what I needed. Those shafts are hard to cut! I shortened the bodies also.
B112 Posted - 10/09/2007 : 19:40:25
Daniel, congats! I like that MF! Very impressed with your home made loader. How about some specs on it. Lifting capacity, tips, etc.
Homesteader Posted - 10/09/2007 : 11:44:07
Congratulations on the win Daniel! You have an outstanding line up of tractors.

Outside of the winner, the one I like best is the Unico.

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