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T O P I C    R E V I E W
simplelife Posted - 09/30/2007 : 20:19:04
I've got a barn full of Simps and a couple of A/C's, but lurking there way in the back waiting for "someday" to arrive, I have an Ariens S16 and two Bolens, a G16X1 and an H10XL.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
simplelife Posted - 11/28/2007 : 22:17:43
Originally posted by Simple700

Are your Bolens the older style "Ride-a-matic"?

No they are the less popular new style, although they drive and ride nice. One is a H11XL and the other is a G16XI. One was a freebie and the other was a mistake.
skunkhome Posted - 11/28/2007 : 20:49:54
Originally posted by cojo92

would you ever sell some??? I live in Rhode Island.

Michael, Welcome Again....Glad you could join us. Always like to "see" a young face (so to speak). I see from your other post that you have a Sabre...and you like tractors and trains. You can't be all bad! Do you have any vintage tractors?
Simple700 Posted - 11/28/2007 : 17:41:20
Are your Bolens the older style "Ride-a-matic"? I really like those, I saw one for sale at a tractor show in August. It had not price tag and I did not ask because I really thought it would be more and it was not what I was "looking" for. It turned out to be $300 and in great shape...I learned that speaking with the guy who bought it. If I knew it was that much, I would have bought it. I hate when people bring something to a show to sell but don't list the price. It the price was on it...someone else probably would have bought it from me.
simplelife Posted - 11/25/2007 : 22:15:30
Originally posted by cojo92

would you ever sell some??? I live in Rhode Island.

Don't let my wife see this! Not at this time. I am trying to accumulate one of each of the early models. There are about 4 right now that I need to get busy on and get them in running order before getting more. Right now they range from a 707 Broadmoor to a 7116H with hydraulic lift.
cojo92 Posted - 11/23/2007 : 22:06:02
would you ever sell some??? I live in Rhode Island.

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