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 Sabre 2554HV

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
skunkhome Posted - 09/29/2007 : 23:23:42
Our School's athletic department has a Sabre 2554HV that I dug out to perform hauling tasks around our new football stadium. I have been getting acquainted with the "tractor" the last couple of days. I was very pleased with its quiet V-twin, smooth "two touch automatic transmission" and its overall level of comfort. That said, I find the foot controlled transmission a little tiring and could see how it might be a problem when mowing for long periods of time. Additionally, what happens to all the HP that the motor is supposedly putting out? This thing has a 25 HP Kohler vertical v-Twin. It may be 25 HP at the crank but it can't be half that at the PTO and "drawbar" (actually a light gauge plate that bends easily under the tongue weight of a loaded trailer). The tractor pulls a 54" belly mower that requires WOT when engaged. It has a top speed of 5.3 mph. Why so slow? Why does it need so much RPM? The old B-1 with 7,25 hp can pull a 42" mower at about the same speed at 3/4 throttle and at 6.1 mph at WOT. Now I do understand that the Sabre can cut at a rate 20% faster but at what expense? I noticed that you must have the throttle advanced about 1/4 just to move in forward or the motor will stall.
The rigidly mounted 54" mower does a respectable job on flat level ground but tends to scalp on uneven lawn. The most annoying thing is the Ralph Nader inspired list of safety interlocks that you must have a cheat sheet to understand due to the unintelligible international symbols accompanying every control. Topping the list is the engine kill switch under the seat that shuts down the motor every time you leave the tractor or even lean slightly in the seat. (this may be standard fair on the latest tractors but is really stupid considering the fact that the tractor can't move without the operators foot on the peddle.) I could see a seat switch that was tied into the electric PTO. Such tasks as stopping every few yards to pickup a bag of trash has to be performed by two people or the tractor will have to be re-cranked at each stop. That is tough on the starter, battery and operator. I guess that is the price you have to pay for an idiot proof tractor.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 11/28/2007 : 20:45:14
Originally posted by cojo92

I got a Sabre 1646HS...I love it but it isnt good in the graden...just excellent with the lawn!

Cojo92, welcome to the site. The Sabre 2554 is a good machine just very foreign to me and thus I should stay off it in tight quarters.
No amount of idiot proofing can overcome years of ingraining.
cojo92 Posted - 11/23/2007 : 22:07:59
I got a Sabre 1646HS...I love it but it isnt good in the graden...just excellent with the lawn!
skunkhome Posted - 10/13/2007 : 12:57:07
Boy, I need to stay off that tractor. While driving it onto a small tilt bed trailer yesterday I almost drove it right off the front of the trailer into the tailgate of my truck. Luckily I had the front stake panel in place. I am so used to having a clutch and brake at my right foot I naturally pushed harder on the Hydro forward peddle trying to stop the tractor. I bent the frame on the trailer where the stake pockets were attached. The hydro stalled before pushing the front wheels over the barrier. I have noticed the Simplicity system is so engrained in me that I can't find the brake when I need to. I'll leave the trailer loading to someone else in the future.

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