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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ATF Posted - 08/02/2010 : 20:47:33
I've sold three tractors in the last week or so, but I still have 17, heres a couple of pics of my shop, most of the tractors are covered up or in the barn, these 5 I use almost daily or at least weekly. I really gotta find a job., I want more, more, more

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ATF Posted - 08/10/2010 : 07:58:08
Originally posted by LordByron444

I'll trade you my 416H and sickle bar for that ugly Massey... :)

My cousin Charles collects Massey's

Ha HA HA, oh that's a good one, I've been offered 3500 for it and wouldn't take it. They built 8798 of these tractors only about 2500 had 3 point hydraulic lifts. I have number 8699 one of the last hundred built, I have number 85 one of the first hundred built, and this one, number 5128 just over halfway through the production
ByronC Posted - 08/08/2010 : 21:00:41
I'll trade you my 416H and sickle bar for that ugly Massey... :)

My cousin Charles collects Massey's
ATF Posted - 08/08/2010 : 18:54:15
Mine starts at the flick of the switch every time. In all my life I have NEVER had a tractor start as quick, run as smooth, or power up and through anything, like my Allis 716H, as Phil says, "Sweet Alice"
BRAD1975 Posted - 08/07/2010 : 01:38:34
mine was hard to get started but I loved the long hood and the way it steered...and even with what felt like a really heavy front end..if you hit the handle just right you'd get it up on the rear wheels right quick :D
ATF Posted - 08/05/2010 : 21:57:44
There are some tractors I will NEVER sell the 716H is one of them. It has 730 hours, and starts with a quick flick of the switch and runs fast and great
BRAD1975 Posted - 08/05/2010 : 21:21:52
I had a 716H once..I wish I would have kept it
ATF Posted - 08/02/2010 : 22:17:46
Thanks, I'm real impatient, so what do I do, but start 5 projects at once, I spent the last week doing yard work and working on tractors. The last couple of days it's been well over a 100 degrees, but I don't seem to mind it, and usually don't come inside for good til 7 or 8.
B112 Posted - 08/02/2010 : 21:14:05
nice machines! And garage.

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