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T O P I C    R E V I E W
oldron Posted - 10/06/2009 : 17:56:17
Saw this on my trip have no idea who made it.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
oldron Posted - 10/09/2009 : 10:41:29
"The Last Flight of the Phoenix"
A good movie,I enjoyed it.
skunkhome Posted - 10/09/2009 : 00:01:49
The blank shotshell reminds me of "The Last Flight of the Phoenix"
BRAD1975 Posted - 10/08/2009 : 23:33:31
I asked him again about it and he says the .22 shell was dropped in a tube and the guy dropped a rod in the tube and tapped it with a hammer....he says it was an air compressor motor and it looked really old...he saw it around 1957
Roy Posted - 10/08/2009 : 16:59:49
"tractor that starts with a shotgun shell."

That's cool. I love it.
oldron Posted - 10/08/2009 : 10:44:48
Here is a tractor that starts with a shotgun shell.
BRAD1975 Posted - 10/07/2009 : 23:53:46
I always wondered what those kickstart motors looked like...my Dad mentioned a few times about a washer my Grandma had with a kickstart...he mentioned once about a motor that used a .22 rimfire type of bullet to start it too.
oldron Posted - 10/07/2009 : 23:31:31
This is in the high dry climate of CO at 5800 ft.The rust hasn't changed in 50 years.
When I was a lad of 10 my mom had a clothes washer with that kick start engine for power.
skunkhome Posted - 10/06/2009 : 23:31:37
I love the kick starter. that guy doesn't waste any oil on his collection does he.
oldron Posted - 10/06/2009 : 23:07:39
And then there is this Maytag powered reel mower.

skunkhome Posted - 10/06/2009 : 20:45:02
Looks like they went out of the way to make it weird. Surely keeps the center of gravity low.
B-16_IC Posted - 10/06/2009 : 19:34:58
I like the places you went! Rusty iron is one of my favoorite colors. I believe the tractor is a Kinkade, built in Minneapolis MN (after looking at my garden tractor books). Cool old critter indeed.
BRAD1975 Posted - 10/06/2009 : 18:41:42
Scary looking...looks like it's got good traction though

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