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T O P I C    R E V I E W
skunkhome Posted - 09/27/2009 : 23:11:22
Say hello to Glamorous Gladis!

I have decided to keep her around for a while since I have managed to get the mower "adjusted". I need to design a full length roller to go across the rear.

The vote is still out on the axle pivot but I got another tip to heat the pin to soften the hardened grease and pump new grease in on top.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 10/03/2009 : 14:42:58
I went back up to the front of the neighborhood today and tried mowing again. I must say it is 200% better than it was initially but it is just not up to my standards and probably never will be. I can't believe the PO actually mowed with this thing for 14 years. It is remarkable what people will accept when they don't know of something better. I used to run into that all the time as a kid. people would say to me that they did not want their yards cut with a tractor because they always scalped. I would ask them to let me cut it once and if they did not like the cut they did not have to pay. I never failed to get paid! and no one ever stole my clients.

Gladis is officially for sale on CL.
We will see what happens.
B-16_IC Posted - 10/03/2009 : 09:49:13
Sounds like it's coming around to your way of thinkin'! I hope the progress keeps going for you.
skunkhome Posted - 10/02/2009 : 23:58:26
have made a little more progress on the front axle center pin. I set her on ramps today, removed the zerk and heated the "pin" till some of the old grease liquified and came out. Then while still hot I replaced the zerk and pumped a tiny bit of grease into the joint. The front end now moves a bit with the weight of the tractor but is still sticky. If I can I am going to repeat the process tomorrow but try injecting with solvent instead of grease.
skunkhome Posted - 09/28/2009 : 19:17:42
Originally posted by olcowhand

Glad you got her adjusted on the deck. I greased my axle swivel yesterday. Took grease happily! After all this talk of the deck, I took note that my front outer deck scalp wheels were set to lowest position, hitting ground most of the time. Adjusted them to middle setting.

Mine are set on the highest position and I am toying with lowering them to the middle. My issue is that the rear guage wheels sink too much in plush turf and nearly scalp even on the highest setting. I'd trade her in a minute for a well kept 920 or 7790.
olcowhand Posted - 09/28/2009 : 09:09:31
Glad you got her adjusted on the deck. I greased my axle swivel yesterday. Took grease happily! After all this talk of the deck, I took note that my front outer deck scalp wheels were set to lowest position, hitting ground most of the time. Adjusted them to middle setting.

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