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 Kubota g1800

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skunkhome Posted - 09/09/2009 : 19:32:42
I looked at this tractor today. Engine runs strong, transmission smooth and mower is quiet...mouth was watering but $1900 a bit strong for my budget. I was a bit surprised to see that the front wheels were held on by a cotter pin. He is going to try trading it at dealer for ZTR mower of some sort. If the price is too low he may sell to me at reduced price. http://batonrouge.craigslist.org/grd/1350766939.html
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 11/28/2009 : 14:45:59
I saw a film clip of someone using a snow blower to blow leaves .
B-16_IC Posted - 11/28/2009 : 14:01:47
No plans for front implements?! What, don't think a snowblower would be handy?lol
skunkhome Posted - 11/28/2009 : 11:30:35
Stan, If you mean the rear lift operates "opposite" from the 700 series allowing counter weight simply by adding weights to the lift you are right. It is funny I have been fumbling with the pull to lift system on my 3414s wishing it was the old push to lift. I was so imprinted with the system off my old B10 from my youth that I was continuily riding or mowing with the mower in the wrong position. Now that I have the B112, I am doubly confused and keep trying to lift the impliments by pulling back and change directions with the vari-speed lever. BTW I have little use for a counterweight right now since I have no plans for front impliments.
haykarenhardy Posted - 11/28/2009 : 09:06:20
Good to hear you came out even on the G1800, now you can give your A.C. tractors your full attention. I am working on a counter weight system for the 712 today. Your Yellow tractor had one standard, did it not?
skunkhome Posted - 11/28/2009 : 01:12:48
I should come out "even". The new owner has been using recycled big box junk for years and is impressed with the quality and power of the Kubota. He wanted my old G5200 but was not in a position to buy then. Had to work out a payment plan on the G1800 to sell for what I needed.
olcowhand Posted - 11/27/2009 : 22:47:48
Did you come out not losing? Figure you took a hit maybe, but you've suffered enough!
skunkhome Posted - 11/27/2009 : 21:15:47
I delivered my Kubota G1800 to her new owner today. He drove it and cut some grass and was well pleased with the cut on his property that appears to be old pasture land. He was more conservative than I but was duely impressed when I zipped along at 8 mph cutting grass.
skunkhome Posted - 09/12/2009 : 12:06:08
Err aah- say again, all after....

BTW: the G1800 is 16 hp. I believe the engine is a D660

Photo of new toy... aah, I mean tool.

Will pick up Monday morning.
olcowhand Posted - 09/11/2009 : 20:51:16
Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by olcowhand

Transpo on the 5200 is no problem at all Phil....just bring it to me & you're done....no muss, no fuss!

you say you'd pay $1500.?

Uh....well,....breaking up, must be bad computer connection!
skunkhome Posted - 09/11/2009 : 20:12:26
Originally posted by olcowhand

Transpo on the 5200 is no problem at all Phil....just bring it to me & you're done....no muss, no fuss!

you say you'd pay $1500.?
olcowhand Posted - 09/11/2009 : 09:23:33
Transpo on the 5200 is no problem at all Phil....just bring it to me & you're done....no muss, no fuss!
skunkhome Posted - 09/11/2009 : 00:36:02
I made a deal with the seller this evening. Will be adding to stable next week. My G5200 will go on Craigslist tomorrow. The PO has expressed interest in buying the tractor back but if it don't sell I will probably part out. The engine along is worth more than what I gave last year. Transportation is a real issue.
Roy Posted - 09/09/2009 : 22:09:22
Very nice machine.
Hope you can manage to snag it.

Carry on,
olcowhand Posted - 09/09/2009 : 20:49:37
Likely he'll end up offering you a lower price. You know dealers usually trade like you have no trade at all.
My neighbor has the same tractor & absolutely loves it! NO shortage of power for sure. My Massey 1010 is only 16hp & runs a 60" deck with ease. I mowed with her today & mowed some areas a foot tall using the entire width of deck & finally heard the governor really work. This Bota should mow like a scalded dog!

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