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 selling my collection of rare garden tractors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Homer T Salisbury Posted - 07/11/2009 : 21:08:08
I must sell all my vintage garden tractors and impliments. My wife of 23 years has been fighting lung cancer for the past two years and we have been lucky until recently. Last thursday we recieved the results of the latest PET scan and it is back and spreading. To this effect I am starting to list my tractors on ebay. on now is the rare gravely GMT 900, sunday i will list my case 446 and within the week I am going to list my roper 16t with impliments and maby the tilt bed trailer with it. the roper with impliments I can deliver between Fla and NY along my route around the first week in August.my email is kaysalisbury@hotmail.com if anyone would like to have any further info or give me a contact number to call I will be happy to answer your questions. thank you HT Salisbury The url for the Gravely on ebay now is; http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&item=120446339389
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jimmyj Posted - 07/19/2009 : 08:35:10
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Homer
mark a Posted - 07/18/2009 : 23:24:35
sorry to hear about the difficulties you and your wife are going through. I will be sure to pray for you.
olcowhand Posted - 07/13/2009 : 21:34:07
I wish your Wife the very best and will have you both in my prayers.
B112 Posted - 07/11/2009 : 23:44:18
Homer, I'm going to wish your family the best and please feel free to communicate to folks on the website about your tractors for sale. Please also post in the classifieds, if you don't if others can help that would be appropriate too. Best wishes. Michael

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