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 Daughters "new" tractor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ptmmatssc Posted - 06/14/2009 : 13:45:57
Until she's big enough to use mine , this one will be hers . Was given to me (free!) from a nice old gent I do business with . Told him I was looking for a small project tractor and he let me have it . Was missing the rear end , but same guy gave me an old Huffy mower that had the rear in it . Matched right up .

Now just to get the engine running . Btw , this is the first Toro 550 I've ever seen . Even the Toro dealer had no idea about it .

5hp B&S . 3 speed tranny w/rev . chain drive to rear . All original paint .

And can't forget my helper . She has been quite handy so far and can't wait to finish this .

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ptmmatssc Posted - 06/14/2009 : 18:49:43
Originally posted by cleatusj

Just tow it behind yours until it's running. She'll be happy.

No can do . She says riding is for "little kids" . She's more "grown up" and can drive herself .

Yup , gettin all independent on dad .

ptmmatssc Posted - 06/14/2009 : 18:47:00
Who really gives the orders in the garage area?

Lol , your kidding right ? My decision making time is when everyone else in the house is asleep , lol .

She has her own tools (real ones) . Got them for her for xmas . And she just HAS to work with dad on the tractors .

cleatusj Posted - 06/14/2009 : 18:42:49
Just tow it behind yours until it's running. She'll be happy.
simplelife Posted - 06/14/2009 : 18:04:04
Looks like it is made for her and she seems to be enjoying it already. Now for the truth of the matter. Who really gives the orders in the garage area?
oldron Posted - 06/14/2009 : 16:10:23
Great little helper.

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