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 1957 Bolens Ride-a-matic

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ptmmatssc Posted - 06/13/2009 : 17:27:56
Thinking about picking this up . Wanted $800 , but said I can have it for $500 . Just a nice old tractor .

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ptmmatssc Posted - 07/14/2009 : 09:04:13
Originally posted by 7010b1

well did you get this cool little tractor???

Nope , but it's still there . My funds have been going into home renovation and adding on to the house , so no "play money" for tractors right now .
7010b1 Posted - 07/14/2009 : 03:40:17
is there a good site with all bolens models?
7010b1 Posted - 07/14/2009 : 03:26:50
well did you get this cool little tractor???
skunkhome Posted - 06/20/2009 : 15:57:08
Now that is what I call a tractor. Great classic lines though a little dated for 1957. What is that phallic looking thing protruding at a 45 degree angle out the front of the tractor?
Would love to see more pictures to include the rear hitch.
7010b1 Posted - 06/20/2009 : 02:52:17
I had a bolens, little bugger, 3hp "t" 20" rear engine, same shifter and wheel. ran great after a little points cleaning. paid $5.00 played with it and sold it to a guy I know for $25.00 he restored it and now sits in his front yard... I should have taken a pic of it.

oh well did you get it?
andrewk Posted - 06/13/2009 : 23:46:17
They don't make them like that anymore! I've never seen one of those before, but I wouldn't pass one up!

oldron Posted - 06/13/2009 : 22:01:47
That is a nice tractor.
B112 Posted - 06/13/2009 : 18:15:15
It's a classic. Nice solid looking front axle. Lot of PTO points. Interesting looking.

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