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 Lady in the weeds

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
oldron Posted - 06/12/2009 : 22:28:17
I don't know if I said any thing about this one I found last year.Have had a hard time tracking anyone down but found the guys mother today on the way to the doctor.Her son is a long haul trucker and I left my number with her.It is another Gibson hiding in the weeds.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
oldron Posted - 07/31/2009 : 09:23:06
No word yet!
MarksA-C Posted - 07/31/2009 : 01:37:02
any updates on this?
simplelife Posted - 06/13/2009 : 11:43:38
Saw the title and thought we were going to have some pin-up shots.
It deserves to be saved. They don't build em like that anymore and I can relate to the "I am one" statement.
B-16_IC Posted - 06/13/2009 : 09:55:02
Good eye there Ron! Looks like a good project, definitely a nice find, best of luck to 'ya.
oldron Posted - 06/13/2009 : 09:08:09
I am going to try to save it,I hate to see old things tossed away cause I am one.
olcowhand Posted - 06/13/2009 : 07:20:27
You have to save it Ron! Looks like a nice one from what I see.

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