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 Massey FergusonDone, well maybe.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
2nstoys Posted - 01/11/2009 : 09:52:17
Got the new decals and put them on. They look great.

Then I decided that it did not look right with the wrong silver on the chassis, so I took it all apart again and painted it again. Give it a couple days and I will reassemble.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jimmyj Posted - 01/27/2009 : 10:51:44
Wow. That looks really nice. Great job!
MarksA-C Posted - 01/19/2009 : 18:10:04
Beautiful! Turned out great
jac Posted - 01/19/2009 : 15:30:44
Look's good.
Roy Posted - 01/18/2009 : 20:22:00
Looks fantastic. Congratulations.
2nstoys Posted - 01/18/2009 : 18:36:10
Got it all back together with the mower deck. Plow getting close for paint. Almost time to start on another tractor.

B112 Posted - 01/12/2009 : 21:40:04
I'd say "it's looking good".
olcowhand Posted - 01/12/2009 : 21:00:52
Looking very nice!
2nstoys Posted - 01/12/2009 : 20:49:21
Got the mower deck and attachment brackets painted tonight. Getting close to being done.

2nstoys Posted - 01/11/2009 : 15:33:04
Yea, got a couple more colors. A orange Simplicity 3410 at the home for the winter and a gold Craftsman that I mow the home yard with. Massey may replace that one. I would rather have the vintage stuff than the new. Neighbors all love the old stuff.
simplelife Posted - 01/11/2009 : 12:10:22
Looks great! I don't think you will regret the extra time and effort in repainting, although as Roy pointed out, it would have been a tough call for me, but if you go to all the trouble to redo it, might as well do it right. (easy for me to say, hard for me to do).

Nice job! Looks like you are an equal opportunity collector, with Red, Yellow, and Green. Any other colors lurking about?
Roy Posted - 01/11/2009 : 11:55:36
"Then I decided that it did not look right with the wrong silver on the chassis, so I took it all apart again and painted it again."

Wow, you have more drive than I have. Wrong shade of silver versus all that work. No contest. Mine would have stayed wrong.

Carry on,

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