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BRAD1975 Posted - 07/02/2008 : 00:00:13
Just wanted to post this for OldRon who requested pics in my Intro thread,found it on my old computer..I believe it to be a model 314 allis but Im not sure because the previous owner has painted and I cant see any numbers or decals.It came with 14hp kohler with no spark,and 48"3-blade deck.Cost me 90$ plus 200$ for a new cdi coil and spark trigger sensor.This pic is from last fall the tiller is for a different style allis,I had to rigg it to work on this one.

You can see my Bolens 1254 in the background,that one is the one that gets the most use,especially in the winter.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BRAD1975 Posted - 07/03/2008 : 00:22:41
Originally posted by skunkhome

Brad1975, I was looking at the pulley ration on that tiller. That thing must spin like a flail.

Are you hungry?? You must mean pulley ratioI think its a simplicity tiller for a landlord,looks like it would fit on my big ten with no problems,but i had to spread the tangs to hitch it to this one,and your right,It spins pretty fast but the shaft was screwed up and the pulley was missing when I bought it......turned out the only pulley/belt combination I had handy that would fit was what you see..........its a clutch type pulley that opens under load when the tiller is working hard,kind of like a snowmobile secondary,works really good...........when it jams you just lift the tiller a bit and it would clear itself.......I dont need it much anymore though,the gardens gone now,and it was only about 20x20 feet big

Sorry about the weird quote thing,still trying to figure that out
BRAD1975 Posted - 07/03/2008 : 00:09:22

[/quote]We won't look down our noses at a Bolens...but lets face it this is an Orange site. By the way that AC is a little too (IH)red for my tastes. My Simplicity was painted green at some dark episode of its life, but I saved it from that indignity.

I understand completely,I just like to pull on the strings once in a while to see what they're tied toI plan on painting the 314 orange if I keep it...............and I thought this was a yellow site,with a splash of orange........anyway I was just kidding.....no disrespect intended ,or received
skunkhome Posted - 07/02/2008 : 21:21:08
Originally posted by BRAD1975

This pic is from last fall the tiller is for a different style allis,I had to rigg it to work on this one.

Brad1975, I was looking at the pulley ration on that tiller. That thing must spin like a flail.
skunkhome Posted - 07/02/2008 : 21:14:23
Originally posted by BRAD1975

Ah ha,.................nobody requests to see better pictures of the Bolens,,,,,My suspicions are almost confirmed.......just kidding.....got some parts yesterday for my Big Ten,will update you guys on my progress soon

We won't look down our noses at a Bolens...but lets face it this is an Orange site. By the way that AC is a little too (IH)red for my tastes. My Simplicity was painted green at some dark episode of its life, but I saved it from that indignity.
BRAD1975 Posted - 07/02/2008 : 20:54:33
Ah ha,.................nobody requests to see better pictures of the Bolens,,,,,My suspicions are almost confirmed.......just kidding.....got some parts yesterday for my Big Ten,will update you guys on my progress soon
oldron Posted - 07/02/2008 : 11:02:41
Thanks,I dont know many models but like the pics.
olcowhand Posted - 07/02/2008 : 09:08:56
Yep, it's a 314. Ouch on the ignition parts! Those Kohlers with electronic ignition aren't for me! Give me cheap points any day! Not many of the older Kohlers fitted with that ignition. Once had a GT14 Wheel Horse that had it, but she's long gone now.

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