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 Other than....(MTD Tractor Info)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pytman Posted - 03/24/2007 : 21:24:40
Not an A/c or Simplicity but....

Anyone know information on older mtd's??? A guy I work with has one I have not yet to see it, but he said it was an older 70's with a hydraulic deck lift. I don't know anything about these things. anyway he said he would scrap it otherwise he said if I wanted it, its mine!

I will provide more info when I see it.:)
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
olcowhand Posted - 02/19/2008 : 17:30:22
Originally posted by B112

Dan, that is one beautiful machine.

BTW: I'd like to see more of your collection. It would be nice to see one good photo and the model number, year and manufacturer. You've got some GREAT looking machines. If you don't mind at some point.

Just seen this post Michael. The ID tag on the Unico was just a sticker under dash & was faded completely to white...nothing there at all. It's a 15hp Briggs. I'll have to look to get the engine numbers.
rustyoldjunk Posted - 02/19/2008 : 14:10:18
from what i can get from an old l&g dealer who has been in business since '64 the man that built the mtd company built good stuff then when the younger generation took over,like walmart,it all came to be about money and quality went pretty much to pot.the old dealer said once at a convention many years ago the original owner of mtd personaly cooked steaks on the grill for the dealers and other people there.
B112 Posted - 09/30/2007 : 20:23:13
Dan, that is one beautiful machine.

BTW: I'd like to see more of your collection. It would be nice to see one good photo and the model number, year and manufacturer. You've got some GREAT looking machines. If you don't mind at some point.
simplelife Posted - 09/30/2007 : 20:10:38
Originally posted by olcowhand

Move this with it Michael! I have a BTD built 1972 Unico 15 hydrostatic tractor with hydraulic deck lift.

Here she is at a local show year before last.

Beautiful tractor! Great to see another classic preserved for the ages!
olcowhand Posted - 09/09/2007 : 22:20:35
I pretty much get what I can afford. I got this Unico from my brother as he owed me some money & I figured this was the only way to get anything out of him! LOL We have done business with Southern States Coop all my life, so that was another reason.
Roy Posted - 09/09/2007 : 21:46:59
Nice tractor. You have an interesting collection Daniel.

But, think I'll stick with my AC's and Simplicities. I like their flip up seat pans and simple design.
olcowhand Posted - 09/09/2007 : 21:42:43
Originally posted by pytman

Not an A/c or Simplicity but....

Anyone know information on older mtd's??? A guy I work with has one I have not yet to see it, but he said it was an older 70's with a hydraulic deck lift. I don't know anything about these things. anyway he said he would scrap it otherwise he said if I wanted it, its mine!

I will provide more info when I see it.:)

olcowhand Posted - 09/09/2007 : 21:40:57
Move this with it Michael! I have a MTD built 1972 Unico 15 hydrostatic tractor with hydraulic deck lift. Briggs engine, Peerless 2-speed rear with Eaton 15 hydro unit. Restored it about 3yrs ago. Haven't restored deck yet, but will just require painting as it's in superb working order. The tractor has a jackshaft under engine which is belt driven. From the jackshaft to deck is driveshaft. Very nicely built tractor except for the plastic dash tower. I put reinforcements to hold the upper steering column as the plastic had busted from doing the job. Here's some pics fore & after.

Here she is at a local show year before last.
B112 Posted - 03/24/2007 : 23:26:08
Hi Pytman, I am going to move this to the "Other Tractor Notes" forum and change the title so it's searchable(in a day or two). As I see things in my searching, I'll let you know what find. For now, go to my post on "Other Helpful Web Sites" and post something in one of the lawn and garden forums. I'm going to focus on the Older Classic Simplicity and Allis Machines so I will not be any help for you right this minute. I will say the Perr Engine Forum looks like a good place also. Any other questions, please reply, I'll help as best I can.

Another way you can help is to reply with the exact model number of the tractor and engine number, type, size, etc. The more info the better.

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