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 Resizeing Photos in Photobucket

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Johnb212 Posted - 05/08/2012 : 21:55:40
Thanks for your help, I have been able to post some photos in the main section but they are all pretty small. Moses you did a great job reposting my earlier photos. You said you resized them. I tried resizing a few in Photobucket but I didn't get it. Could you explain the proceedure a little? Sorry for the slow learner syndrome.
PS it looks like I lost my profile photo too.
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Johnb212 Posted - 05/09/2012 : 20:56:49
Thanks Bill, I posted a comment in response to your comments in Simply Yakin, if you haven't read it yet, thanks for your help.
I will try your suggestions tomorrow evening.
wlewis379 Posted - 05/09/2012 : 18:01:53
Originally posted by Johnb212

Thanks for your help, I have been able to post some photos in the main section but they are all pretty small. Moses you did a great job reposting my earlier photos. You said you resized them. I tried resizing a few in Photobucket but I didn't get it. Could you explain the proceedure a little? Sorry for the slow learner syndrome.
PS it looks like I lost my profile photo too.

You may want to try this I have posted this before and it worked for that person.

I had trouble posting pictures when I started posting to. I have used 3 different programs to post pictures. I downloaded for free a program called Irfan view. Go to Images click re size image. resize it, it will show You the size of the file. You may have to rename the file. If the file name is 100-258 change it to 100258. No dashes allowed. This goes for any program you use. Micheal's tractor form will not accept dashes in a file name.

You can use Paint in windows to resize pictures also. Go to and click file open and select your picture. At the bottom of the window you will see your present file size. examble 147 KB? Go to and click on resize at the top of your window under home. Reduce the percentage down from 100 to 50 select save. you have to save changes before the new file size will appear. A new file size should appear at the bottom of the window. you may have to play with this before you get the file size you need.

Happy Trails Bill

Johnb212 Posted - 05/09/2012 : 16:35:45
I am using windows, I appreciate your help and patience Moses.
Count Macula Posted - 05/09/2012 : 06:33:07
John, are you a Windows or a Macintosh user? I will send you instructions specific to your operating system.

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