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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gearhead19 Posted - 11/28/2010 : 10:30:00
attempting a picture upload. How do i get this in my signature???

resized your photo

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
gearhead19 Posted - 11/30/2010 : 19:01:01
Got it Phil... I wasn't "submitting" it... I missed the obvious...

Thanks again, Dan
skunkhome Posted - 11/30/2010 : 08:42:08
Dan ,Please don't give up!

Here is a more detailed instruction.

1. Click on the edit icon for your original post

2. Highlight the file name for the photo

3. Right click on highlighted file name and left click on copy in drop down menu.

4. At the top of the page click on Profile and sign in.

5. paste the file name in the Signature box on your profile page

6. You can click on Preview block to see what it will look like but you must then close that box and return to the profile and got to the bottom and click on the Submit box to post the photo.

7. It is important: You must click on the Submit box at the bottom of the profile page to post the photo or any changes on your profile page.

If you have a printer, print out this post and use it as a cheat sheet to guide you through the procedure. It is really quite simple but sounds complicated at first.
gearhead19 Posted - 11/30/2010 : 08:03:29
I give up, Phil what am i doing wrong?

oldsarge Posted - 11/29/2010 : 23:44:25
Uhhh......Nope,not yet!
gearhead19 Posted - 11/29/2010 : 20:07:39
Testing 3-2-1
gearhead19 Posted - 11/29/2010 : 17:56:47
testing 1-2-3
gearhead19 Posted - 11/29/2010 : 17:19:35
Thank-you Phil,I have been meaning to do this for way too long!
thanks again, Dan
skunkhome Posted - 11/28/2010 : 23:25:08
I recommend you resize to about 200 px wide then Go to edit on your original post, copy the image file name and paste it in you signature on your profile.

Hope this heps

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