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T O P I C    R E V I E W
skunkhome Posted - 09/24/2007 : 20:16:16

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cschmidt62 Posted - 11/13/2011 : 23:35:18
lol, looks like Phil made an edit to an earlier post
Cvans Posted - 11/13/2011 : 23:09:05
Someone is messing in the Twilight Zone. I wonder who drug this back up?
skunkhome Posted - 04/10/2010 : 17:26:05
Originally posted by Cvans

Yeppers, #1 suits you to a tee. Do you carry that hammock around in the back of your truck?

No I usually fall asleep sitting up with drool running down my chin.
Cvans Posted - 03/30/2010 : 22:39:55
Yeppers, #1 suits you to a tee. Do you carry that hammock around in the back of your truck?
ac712s Posted - 03/05/2010 : 11:47:50
Originally posted by Roy


I like the first picture. Great way to take a snooze.

haha i agree with Roy ,thats a great pic for profile
i realize this is a year old ..or 2
olcowhand Posted - 06/22/2008 : 23:09:32
Now how did you do that? I could swear it was a new post!
skunkhome Posted - 06/22/2008 : 22:13:28
Originally posted by olcowhand

Geez Phil, took long enough to answer my question!

Take another look at the date stamp, Daniel, It is not I that has been asleep at the switch. U must have been busy milking cows or something.
olcowhand Posted - 06/22/2008 : 21:18:36
Geez Phil, took long enough to answer my question!
skunkhome Posted - 11/13/2007 : 22:12:54
Originally posted by olcowhand

Is that "Rock City" on the building? That's more in my area. Just curious.

Rock City it is! That photo was taken in May of this year. We have been making a pilgrimage to western NC every spring or summer for the last few years and occasionally we stop off at Rock City en route. . I wish I could live up there but that mountain land is incredibly expensive.

olcowhand Posted - 11/13/2007 : 10:14:36
Is that "Rock City" on the building? That's more in my area. Just curious.
Roy Posted - 09/25/2007 : 08:14:29
Call it what you want. Still think you are napping.
skunkhome Posted - 09/24/2007 : 22:53:19
Originally posted by Roy


I like the first picture. Great way to take a snooze.

I beg your pardon, Roy! I happened to be conducting a very detailed hat band inspection. To suggest that I was napping is inexcusable!
Roy Posted - 09/24/2007 : 21:39:40

I like the first picture. Great way to take a snooze.

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