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BRAD1975 Posted - 06/09/2008 : 22:06:49
I wonder if this will work?


Bin Laden,sorry about that....its a Saddam Funny Pic Gif

second try

aha......think I figured it out,If you read this....is this a good way to post pictures without using up Michaels webspace??

Now I just have to take pictures of my toys to satisfy your curiousities
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BRAD1975 Posted - 06/11/2008 : 00:05:05
Originally posted by skunkhome

I use Photo shop to reduce my image sizes however you could email them to yourself and let windows reduce the images... then use them in your posts. That is probably a very round about way to do things but it will make the images manageable for this site.

I'm going to have to try photoshop,because i dont even remember how i shrunk that picture,i dont have anything called photoshop on this computer,i somehow managed to do it with paint and window media player what a hassle,will download p-shop next few days and thanks for helping,that email way sounds like a good second option....Bml

is the photoshop you use called ADOBE PHOTOSHOP?
skunkhome Posted - 06/10/2008 : 22:30:25
I use Photo shop to reduce my image sizes however you could email them to yourself and let windows reduce the images... then use them in your posts. That is probably a very round about way to do things but it will make the images manageable for this site.
BRAD1975 Posted - 06/10/2008 : 12:41:35
Originally posted by B112

bml75- If I see a problem trend which needs some help, I may ask for some change.

Have fun.

My next task is to learn how to put pictures into a post, sorry if this get double posted,the first reply got messed up when I forgot to log on Thanks

Ok,I think this worked,and I will not admit how many tries it took,thanks Skunkhome ,you helped me by helping someone else,found your help when I searched invalid string,sorry guys this is not a tractor ...it one of the only small kb pictures on my computer..my next task is to figure out how to take pictures that are less than 97kb.....or compress existing ones......does this work578kb shrunk to 50somethingkb

gonna have to get used to remembering that no space in imagetitles next task take pictures....hey that looks ok...if anybody wonders this is a mtd attach like new that i got thru trade for an old 5hp tiller i fixed after saving it from local landfill only cost 55$total outpocket took this last friday for mtd rep so he could email me an owners manual,they build junk but the service was excellent
B112 Posted - 06/10/2008 : 06:29:56
Originally posted by bml75

Do pictures take up too much space?

The current picture usage rate is fine, good for another year at current rates. I need to do some HTML work so I can put some advertisers on the site to fund our space.
B112 Posted - 06/10/2008 : 06:20:25
bml75- As the site is growing, either way is fine. If you put them in flickr and later they go away the posts look weird. I say we'll live for today when it comes to the "fun" posts (flickr ok = simplyYakin/test forums) and we'll archive for the future on the technical posts (should try to use the site for important pictures = technical areas). If I see a problem trend which needs some help, I may ask for some change.

Have fun.

(gif picture with image tags)
BRAD1975 Posted - 06/09/2008 : 22:32:43
Am I doing this right?? I dont want to waste space and slow servers.

Or is it better to put them right in the message?Do pictures take up too much space?
BRAD1975 Posted - 06/09/2008 : 22:30:27
Originally posted by olcowhand

Isn't that Sudam Hussain? Small pic, but looks like him.

I checked the one on my computer and you are absolutely right...
Guess Ill have to change that titleEither one is equally funny right
olcowhand Posted - 06/09/2008 : 22:25:39
Isn't that Sudam Hussain? Small pic, but looks like him.

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